Thursday, December 2, 2010

Angel Tree - A Package and a Promise!


Mrs. Sarah Helen Mishoe’s art students combined an old fashion Christmas ornament making gathering with some new gadgets to deck the halls at TCA. The younger students used old Christmas cards to fashion their designs of stars, presents, winter scenes, and crosses along with generous amounts of glitter and glue. The 5th and 6th graders used discarded aluminum can tabs to create their ornaments. Each one is uniquely crafted by each child to represent their talent and passion. ALONG WITH THE ORNAMENTS,Christmas tags are placed on the tree as a part of giving back to our community. Students and families are asked to sponsor a needy child or an adult from the Disabilities Foundation of Lake City. Ornament tags contain the age, size, and a special wish to help you with your selection. Along with your donation of a present, you are asked to remember the person with your promise to pray for them during the year. This worthwhile project is sponsored by the Beta Clubs of TCA. Thank you for providing opportunities for our students to experience the joy of giving.

Monday, November 29, 2010

TCA Spelling Winners

Congratulations to the following spelling bee contestants that will be representing Carolina at the SCISA regional spelling bee in January:

3rd Elizabeth Askins, Ava Palmer -- alternate is Nick Matthews

4th Noel Dotson, Breauna Hannah --- alternate is Matthew Lamb

5th Margaret Matthews, Bonnie Tanner -- alternate is Katelyn Coker

6th Hannah Weaver, Josh Weaver --- alternate is Alex Feagin

7th Brooke Dukes, Gracen Parker--- alternate is Luke Fennell

8th Haley Hancock, Jacob Tanner -- alternate is Mary B. Matthews

Spelling Bee Corrdinator -- Amy Tanner

Monday, November 22, 2010

Quiz Bowl Challenge Under Way

The 2010-2011 Quiz Bowl Challenge at TCA is underway this fall for middle and high school teams. The season has begun with teams registering for the opening round. Round Two was accomplished last Friday with the following teams surviving the buzzer:
Lucky Charms, Goofy Goobers, Kryptonite, Terminators, No Names, Triple A's, Wood Crue, Banana Splits, Cheads, Victorious Secret, Veni-Vidi-Vici, Goone Sckwad, Untitled, Brandon and Space Cadets, Quiz Commanders, Quiz Whizzess, Shihai Kuni.

Play continues in January. Top prize includes cash!!

Tennis Girls at Coach Ron's Church

New Zion Baptist Church of Lake City hosted a lock-in on Saturday for the TCA Varsity Girls' Tennis Team. Pastor and Coach Ron Avant arranged for the girls to stay at the church Saturday night while providing food, fellowship,and fun for the girls. In turn, they participated in the Sunday morning worship service. The girls sang several songs and joined in the worship time. Rev. Ron Avant has just recently completed his first year as coach. They girls finished with a perfect 10-0 region record and the conference championship. They placed 3rd in the state tournament.

A TCA following attended the church service and enjoyed the special music provided by the girls. Mrs. Myra Bazen was a featured soloist before the morning message. Mrs. Myra is the wife of Mr. Roger Bazen, athletic director at TCA.

Away Game - Physical Addresses - Basketball

Wilson Hall, Sumter SC 29150
2801 South Wise Drive

St. John's Christian Academy, Moncks Corner, SC 29461
204 West Main St.

Christian Academy of Myrtle Beach,
500 4th Avenue, North, Myrtle Beach, SC 29577

Pee Dee Academy,
Box 449 (2903 E. Hwy 76 East), Mullins, SC 29574

Northwoods Academy
2263 Otranto Road, North Charleston, SC 29406

Kings Academy
1015 South Ebenezer Road, Florence, SC 29501

Dillon Christian School
P. O. Box 151 (1325 Commerce Drive) Dillon, SC 29536

Trinity Collegiate
5001 Hoffmeyer Road, Darlington, SC 29532

The Byrnes Schools
1201 E. Ashby Road, Florence, S. C. 29506

Williamsburg Academy
P. O. Box 770 (1000 Sandy Bay Road), Kingstree, SC 29556

Sunday, November 21, 2010

TCA Christmas Ornament on Sale NOW!

PTO is selling TCA Christmas Ornaments. Information is available in the school office.

Also available for ordering now are short-sleeved T-shirts.

Just in time for your Thanksgiving Feast -- a Bake Sale!

Let us do your baking -- Check out the items on Tuesday, Nov. 23rd, on the porch at the school!!
Information at the following link: Carolina Academy PTO of Lake City, SC

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Kristian Moen, a 2007 TCA honor graduate has been given the opportunity to join the Eddie James Ministry Team. Kristian will be serving full time beginning December 8th. She will be ministering in the Philippines, Israel, and in other areas overseas. This particular group reaches out to the lost and hurting with a focus on youth in crisis. The ministry includes a powerful music, drama and dance team followed by teaching and preaching as well. They have a heart to reach our high school and college age youth for Christ with a message of rehabilitation and restoration through relationship building, character development, education, training and an intentional focus on assisting them toward finding and fulfilling their purpose. Jesus says these words (John 10:10) "The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly."

You can follow the Eddie James Ministry on the world wide web at
The artist and his ministry has a newly released CD listed as #20 on the gospel charts.

While touring in the states, Kristian will be in a different state approximately every three days. Kristian is currently a junior at Francis Marion University with a biology major. May God bless you on this journey.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Thank you Veterans

Pictures from Nov. 11, 2010

Booster Club Request - Help Needed

CA Parents/Grandparents:
The Booster Club is in need of extra workers for our basketball canteen. If you can volunteer to work at least one of the four games on a scheduled game night, please call Roger, Carolyn or Mary. Thank you.

843.374.5485 -- Roger Bazen

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Immunization Audit - Good News!

Thank you parents for getting those immunization records in to the office. Today a representative of the South Carolina Department of Health and Enviornmental Control (DHEC) conducted an audit of certificates of immunization. All classes checked were in compliance with DHEC Regulation 61-8.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Reminders for November

Nov. 10 - Porkchop Theater - 12:45 at Blanding Street Theater(lower grades)
Nov. 11 - Veterans' Day Program, 9:00 AM in the gym, coffee and doughnuts@8:45
Nov. 16 - Bobcats open the basketball season with Florence Christian Eagles 4:00 PM
Nov. 19 - Basketball with Christian Academy of Myrtle Beach at 5:00 PM
Nov. 24-26 - Thanksgiving Holidays - NO SCHOOL
Nov. 30 -- Interim reports, Annual CAR Raffle @ the Country Club Grill, tickets still available
Dec. 1 -- ASVAB Testing for Juniors, 8:15 AM

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Salute to Our Veterans 2010

TCA students will present the annual “Salute to Veterans” on Thursday, November
11th,at 9:00 am in the Carolina gym as a gift to the veterans in our community. Please invite any veteran, family, and friends to attend this time of recognition to the men and women who have served or are currently serving our country. Sponsored by FCA of TCA. Join us for coffee and doughnuts at 8:45.

Monday, November 1, 2010

No School On Friday

November 5, 2010 is the SCISA State Teachers' Meeting in Orangeburg. Students will not be attending school on Friday. Teachers will be attending this meeting or attending a workday at TCA.

There will be no After School Care on Friday.

PLAN Testing Tuesday

Sophomores will be taking the PLAN test on Tuesday, November 2, 2010. Testing begins at 8:00 am. The PLAN® program helps 10th graders build a solid foundation for future academic and career success and provides information needed to address schools' high-priority issues. It is a comprehensive guidance resource that helps students measure their current academic development, explore career/training options, and make plans for the remaining years of high school and post-graduation years. As a "pre-ACT" test, PLAN is a powerful predictor of success on the ACT; at the same time, PLAN can help students who are likely to enter the workforce directly after high school.See Mrs. Amy Glover for more information.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Fennell Selected as Presidental Scholar

Jerry Edward (JJ)Fennell has been named a Presidental Scholar at Tulane and Baylor University and has been invited to become a member of the Honors Program. JJ is attending a special weekend visit at Baylor this Firday, Saturday, and Sunday at which he will be interviewing for the top scholarship awarded at Baylor.
Other college acceptances for JJ include Liberty University, Regent University, Anderson, and Clemson.

JJ has also recently received an invitation to the Clemson Honors program along with a scholarship. JJ plans to pursue a career in aviation and ROTC at one of these fine schools. Good luck JJ, we are proud of you!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Middle School Math Team Competes

Mr. Bridgeman and his two math teams traveled to Orangeburg for the State SCISA Middle School Math meet on Tuesday, Oct. 26th. Medal winners for TCA were: Mary Sibley Godwin (8th grade) and Tori Lynn Byrd (7th grade). Other team members were: Claire Evans, Luke Fennell, Lauren Floyd, Benjamin Lamb, Mary Bryant Matthews, Bailee Matthews, Morgan Parrott, Jacob Tanner, Jamie Yarborough. Congatulations to you!

Tennis Falls to Holly Hill

TCA varsity tennis team competed in the semifinal round of the state playoffs on Friday. Several of the single matches went to tie breakers. However, the final result was a defeat for the young lady bobcats. They were aggressive and focused through the double matches. We are proud of their efforts and Region Championship. The team consists of ninth, eighth, and seventh graders only. Think about what the future holds -- get ready for next year -- we'll be ready for you! Thanks to all the supporters and loyal followers this year. First year coach, Mr. Avant and Jordan Osborne, did a wonderful job. Congratulations girls!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Tennis Semi - Finals Of State Championship

TCA will play the Holly Hill Raiders at 12:00 on Friday, Oct. 22nd.
Location will be the Palmetto Tennis Center, Sumter, SC.

Address is: 400 Theatre Dr.
Sumter, SC 29150-3866
(803) 774-3969

Booster Club News

Our next Booster Club meeting will be Monday, November 1, 2010 at 6:00 pm in the library. You are encouraged to attend.

The CA Booster Club has window decals available for $5.00 each. Please see Mr. Roger Bazen if you would like to purchase one.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Tennis Girls Win Round Two

Our varsity girls tennis team advanced to the semi-final round of the SCISAA State Championship with a 5-1 victory over Trinity Collegiate of Florence. They completed the regular season in first place of the Region IV - AA classification. They will take the court again on Friday at the Palmetto Tennis Center in Sumter, SC. The time of the match and their opponent will be announced tomorrow. Congratulations girls! Good luck on Friday.
Singles Play
R. Weaver(TCA) defeats L. Burner 6-1, 6-2
H. Hancock(TCA) def. M. Hoover 6-1, 6-4
J. Yarborough(TCA) def. B. Moore 6-2, 6-1
H. Brown(TCA) def. P. Economy 6-1, 6-2
S. Koontz(TC) def. H. Paraschos (TCA) 6-1, 6-3
M. Matthews(TCA) def. C. Saleeby 6-3, 6-2

No doubles were played.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Varsity Tennis Begin Play-Offs

First round of the SCISAA State Tennis Play-Offs will begin - Monday. TCA will not begin play until the second round - on Wednesday, Oct. 20th -- at TCA. They will be playing the winner of the Trinity vs Beaufort match on Monday. Come out and support the girls as they play for another chance at the State Title!!

Fall Sports Pictures

Team Pictures will be Oct. 28th - Thursday

BOBETTES -- 3:30 pm

JV Tennis --- 4:00

Varsity Tennis -- 4:15

JV Cheerleaders -- 4:30

Varsity Cheerleaders -- 5:15

JV Football --- 4:45

Varsity Football -- 5:35

These times are tentative due to teams and number of individual requests for pictures. Coaches will have packages and prices or check with Mr. R. Bazen. Thank you.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Mr. Bones and Muscles Visits K5

Mrs. Susan Palmer visited the five year old kindergarten class on Friday, Oct. 15th and presented a Mr. Bones and Mr. Muscles interdisciplinary unit for the children. The presentation was hands-on and included: science, art, music, math, and language arts. The children would like to thank her for such an enjoyable and educational experience.

Remember Sunday Night

WE ARE HIS MINISTRY - Drama, Mime and Music Team
Place: TCA Gym
Date: Sunday Night - Oct. 17th
Time: 6:00 pm
Sponsored by: Fellowship of Christian Athletes

WOW! what an experience. Thank you to the Grace Christian Fellowship Church for sharing in this performace of their high school drama and mime team!

Our own Trey and Ken Parker are members of the team!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Tennis Team - First Place in the Region

Congratulations to the tennis team! The girls have claimed first place in the region with only one week remaining in regular season play. They are slated for another run at the state title! Congratulations to Coach Ron Avant and Miss Jordan Osborne in their first year as tennis coaches!We will be posting the brackets for play-offs next week. Go Bobcats!

PTO Monthly Meeting

Please note the change in the date for the October meeting. PTO will be meeting on Monday, October 18th at the school. We look for your attendance if at all possible. Have a nice Columbus Day!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Volleyball Senior Night Recognition

Come join the Bobcats as we honor our senior volleyball players at the last home game on Thursday, October 7th, at 5:00 pm. The Bobcats will take the court against Dillon Christian.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

EVENTS In October

Be Ready for:
Oct. 6nd – Grandparents Day 8:30 (1-4)
Oct. 7th - South Lynches Fire Safety Program, Low Country Sportsmen Supper - Marshall’s Marine
Oct. 8th – Grandparents Day 8:30 (K)
Oct. 11th - Columbus Day No school
Oct. 11, 12, 13 – Barrier Island Trip
Oct. 13th – PSAT, for Jrs., all other students sign up on a first serve basis. (testing 8:15-11:30)gym
Oct. 14th – Jrs. ED OP day at FMU - 8:15, Curriculum Meeting 2:30
Oct. 18th – End of 1st nine weeks,
Oct. 21st – Report cards due in the office by 8:00
Oct. 25th – Fall Festival 6:00 – 8:00
Oct. 26th – Make up picture day, Middle school Math Meet - Orangeburg
Oct. 28th – SAT Prep Class for TCA and WA, Fall Sports Pictures
Oct. 29th – Hay ride for AR party


"We Are His Ministry", a drama team from Grace Christian Fellowship Church of Manning is returning to TCA for a performance on Thursday, October 17th. We Are His is actually a group of 10 young people ranging from the 6th grade to the 12th grade who perform interpretive drama, mime, and music ministry. They travel to various location in and around a tri-county area to witness to God's glory which shows the truth of our Lord's desires here on earth. Having a saving, personal relationship with each individual is truly the divine plan. It is even more dramatic when you consider that these are young students giving of their time and efforts to introduce others to their faith. The public is invited to attend this praise and worship celebration on October 17th, 2010 at 6:00 p.m. in the school gym. The Carolina Academy FCA is sponsoring this performance. This is a free event, no admission fee is required.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Grieving With You! LMA

The Carolina Academy family extends our deepest sympathy and love to the LMA family in this extremely difficult time. The loss of three young boys is indeed such a tragedy. Our entire staff, student body, and extended family expressed trememdous sorrow to you. Our prayers will be continuous for the two families as well as the LMA school! I am sure each and every one will be with you in heart and spirit these next few weeks. WE LOVE YOU!

Services for Cody and Jessi Parnell will be at 11:00 a.m. on Thursday at the LMA gym.

Services for Cody Hall have not been finalized.

Senior Superlatives Announced

Congratulations to the Class of 2011!


Homecoming Queen Crowned

Congratulations to Mercedes Lynn Miles. She was crowned Homecoming Queen last Friday night at halftime of the CA vs. Pee Dee football game. Mercedes is the daughter of Robert Miles and Wendy Morris. She has attended The Carolina Academy for three years. Mercedes was sponsored by Matthew Whitfield Campbell of Lake City and escorted by Shane Miles. Mercedes plans to attend the College of Charleston.

The Homecoming Court consisted of:
Kandace McClary -- sponsored by Jerry Edward Fennell, Jr.
Bryant McLendon -- sponsored by Charles Edward Godwin III
Taylor Leigh Flowers -- sponsored by Stewart William Heath
Caroline Elizabeth Weaver -- sponsored by Tyler Presley Langston
Scarlett Morgan Boyd -- sponsored by David Patrick Matthews
Samatha Collier Sparrow -- sponsored by Wyatt Clay Nettles III
Alexis Burnadene Kelley -- sponsored by Cody Brown Truluck

Friday, October 1, 2010



Monday, September 27, 2010

Spirit Week/Homecoming Week

Show your support for the Bobcats with dress-up days:

Monday - Pajama Day
Tuesday - Jimmy Buffett or Hawaiian Day
Wednesday -Tacky Day
Thursday - Cowboy,Cowgirl, and Indian
Friday - Bobcat colors/Show your spirit

Prizes for winning costumes each day.

Mock Homecoming is Friday afternoon approx. 1:40 pm
Parade of classes -- Friday night - 7:00 pm
Bobcats vs Pee Dee Eagles -- 7:30 pm
Homecoming court and queen announced -- half-time of football game

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


There is a change in the date for TCA's Homecoming Game. Homecoming will be held on October 1st instead of Oct. 8th. Please note this change.

See You at the Poles -- Uplifting and Emotional

Amid the morning fog, birds singing, and the sun peeking through the clouds, fifty - two students, staff and parents gathered around the flagpole before school to pray together. The entire event was student lead by the Fellowship of Christian Athletes. JJ Fennell, Student Body President, opened the event with a scripture reading from Matthew. The desire of the SYATP day was expressed then JJ gave an opening prayer. Students and adults were instructed to break-out into smaller groups with a group leaders in order to pray together for our school, the students, teachers, government, and our nation.
Students then returned to the larger circle and joined hands for sentence prayers. Many of the students expressed their prayers openly. FCA President, Scarlett Boyd, lead us in singing "Who am I" before closing the event with another Bible reading and prayer.

Nationally, many students feel the burden to share their faith and unite to pray for our nation on this special day, the third Wednesday in September.

Today the number has grown to 3 million students in the U.S. and there are also students in 20 other countries that participate in the event.

Thank you to the FCA sponsors, Mr. Kenneth Bowen and Coach John Wall, and to all the students who took a stand to let their lights shine at TCA.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Friday Night Football -- 7:00 pm

Help us celebrate the Past Board of Directors' night at TCA. Dinner will be served at 6:00 and the Bobcats take on Calhoun Falls at 7:00. All past directors and their spouses are invited to attend. We welcome you and thank you for your service to the academy.

State Student Government Conference - Tuesday, 21st

For the first time ever, Carolina Academy will be sending the State Recording Secretary to the convention. Alexis Kelley was elected to the SCISA State Student Government office of Recording Secretary at the spring convention last April. She will join our TCA executive officers and Mr. Stephens, their sponsor, as they travel to the State House in Columbia for the fall conference. Your school officers for 2010-2011 are:
JJ Fennell -- President

Grayson McClam --Vice-President

Brett Floyd--- Secretary

Garrett Weaver -- Treasurer

See You at the Poles -Wednesday, 22nd @7:30 am

TCA Fellowship of Christian Athletes presents the 2010 "See You at the Poles" for all TCA students, teachers and staff. Parents are also welcome to attend. Come and gather around the flagpole on our campus as we unite to pray for our world, our nation, our state, our community, our school, our children, our leaders, and our families.

See You at the Pole™ can provide a powerful connection between you and the other Christian students on your campus to pray and reach out all year long.

Let See You at the Pole™ be a kick-off for you to truly make a difference this year. Take your place in history with millions of other students on this Global Day of Student Prayer.

October -- Make a Difference Month

Breast Cancer Awareness Month (BCAM) (also referred to locally as National Breast Cancer Awareness Month (NBCAM)) is an annual international health campaign organized by major breast cancer charities every October to increase awareness of the disease and to raise funds for research into its cause, prevention and cure. The campaign also offers information and support to those affected by breast cancer.

Our TCA cheerleaders will be celebrating life with PINK POM POMS during the months of October and February. Watch for future information regarding this important campaign.

Make A Difference Day 2010 will be on Saturday, October 23, 2010 from 9:00 am – 1:00 pm.
Make a Difference Day was initiated in 1990. It is the fourth Saturday in October. Make a commitment this year to actively participate in this special day. If you have children let them get involved. It's important that they learn that even small efforts can make a big difference.

Read more: How to participate in National Make a Difference Day |

TCA students will be asked to select a project for Make a Difference Day in their community.
October is also National Dental Hygiene Month - BRUSH - FLOSS - RINSE- CHEW


National Arts and Humanities Month (NAHM - Held every October and coordinated by Americans for the Arts, NAHM is the largest annual celebration of the arts and humanities in the nation. From arts center open houses to mayoral proclamations to banners and media coverage, communities across the United States join together to recognize the importance of arts and culture in our daily lives.

Anna J. Floyd

Monday Morning Choices, Are You Ready?

Making good choices is a never-ending challenge. It requires hard work and daily diligence. Life requires that we choose between alternatives every hour of the day, every day of our lives. Making good choices requires constant focus and attention.
Our daily challenge is to live our character, action, and investment choices so naturally that we begin making the best choices almost subconsciously. This requires patience, honest reflection, adaptation, and commitment. excerpt from Monday Morning Choices, by David Cottrell.
How do you feel about Monday Mornings? Make them a great adventure not your adversary.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Holiday By Design

The Carolina Academy is promoting its annual wrapping paper/flowering plants/gift sale with Holiday by Design, Mink Company. The final turn in date is Monday, September 20th. Please support your student's class and the academy with this important fund raiser. Prizes include:
$400.00 tuition reduction -- plus a cash prize for the student
$200.00 tuition reduction -- plus a cash prize for the student
Pizza Party, school supplies, adn a teacher day out of school.
Other prizes awarded by the company are listed in the student package.

Buyers many also purchase online at:

Anna J. Floyd
Head of School
The Carolina Academy