Monday, October 24, 2011

Building Valuable Resources

Learn almost anything for free.
Khan Academy: With a library of over 2,600 videos covering everything from arithmetic to physics, finance, and history and 215 practice exercises, we're on a mission to help you learn what you want, when you want, at your own pace.

Math Meet High Scorers

Congratulations to the Middle School Math Meet High Scorers for TCA Lauren Floyd and Connor Floyd! We are proud of you! Thank you Mr. Bridgeman, math team sponsor.

Upcoming Events at TCA

October 24th - 28th:Monday - Fall Festival - 6-8 pm
Tuesday - Music/Theater Class to Anderson University
Wednesday - Kindergarten classes to the Pumpkin Patch in Sardinia, SC
Thursday - 5th and 6th grades field trip
Friday - K3,K4, and K5 visit classrooms for goodies, 1st grade and their pen pals meet for lunch, Football final game at Holly Hill, SC 7:30 pm
Monday 31st - School Assembly "Make a Difference" - 12:35 pm. Dress appropriately.
November: 1st Quarter AR party with a Hayride- all students earning enough points to attend.
1st --Sophomores take PLAN test 8:00 - 11:15, Teens and Cyber Communication seminar at RE Lee Academy 7:00 pm
2nd - Faculty meeting - 2:30
3rd - CAR raffle at the LC Country Club -7:30 pm
4th - State Teachers' Meeting - No School for students
5th - National SAT test date
11th - Veterans' Day Program - 8:45 am in the gym. The public is invited to attend.