Monday, October 31, 2011

Mink & Company Fund Raiser Winners

Individual Winners
Olivia McConnell --J. Weaver, 1st Grade $947.50 95 Units
Emma Little -- E. Lyerly, K5 $511.50 51 Units
Emily Grace Weber -- S. Sandor, 3rd Grade $356.00 37 Units
Thomas -- P. Reddeck, 6th Grade $327.00 33 Units
Meg McDaniel --J. Weaver, 1st Grade $307.00 18 Units

100% Participation Grade 6, 8

Highest Total Sales J. Weaver 1st Grade $2,284,00 205 Units

Congratulations! You will get to make a HUMAN ICE CREAM SUNDAE OUT OF MRS. ANNA ON FRIDAY, NOV. 18TH!

Veteran of Foreign Wars Writing Winners

TCA Winners of VFW Writing Contest: Patriots Pen 2011
Are You Proud to be an American? These students are!

1st place – Thomas Gardner, grade 7
2nd place – Braydon Smith, grade 6
3rd place – Benjamin Lamb, grade 7 and Trent Stallings, grade 8
Congratulations to these students!
Thomas will go on to compete in the District contest for a tricounty area. Good Luck!

Sunday, October 30, 2011

October Comes to and End

Monday Morning is always a great day when you can ride in a Cow Train.
Have a happy Monday! Love to you from the TCA office and library.

Make A Difference Assembly

Do you think you can make a difference? That is the question some of our younger students attempted to answer today.
It was all about character, accomplishments, and challenges at Carolina Academy on Monday, October 31st when the Student Council sponsored a special "Making a Difference" assembly program. In keeping with the school's "Road to Character" theme, students were recognized for showing the qualities of honesty and integrity throughout the month of October, as well as for their successful efforts in fund raising at TCA. The school wide winners for the Veteran's of Foreign Wars writing contest were announced, second, third, and fourth graders presented their thoughts on making a difference through good citizenship, and first grader Olivia McConnell challenged the audience to remember that everyone can make a difference and that every effort - whether great or small - counts. The assembly ended with sophomore Rachel Cook presenting information about the Lysol Blue Ribbon Attendance Challenge, a program that encourages better health habits at school and at home; and Mr. Kenneth Bowen gave the Wounded Warrior Foundation Challenge to all homerooms. On Veterans' Day, each homeroom will be asked to contribute to this worthy cause with needed supplies from a list of items that can make a difference in the lives of our wounded warriors! TCA is “Making a Difference” all around you! Congratulations to our students and families!
Remember our Veteran's Day Salute will be Nov. 11th - 8:45 a. m., the public is invited!

Kindergarten Dress to Impress

Kindergarten students converge on the office and several classes on Friday as they bring their goody bags ready for treats.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Building Valuable Resources

Learn almost anything for free.
Khan Academy: With a library of over 2,600 videos covering everything from arithmetic to physics, finance, and history and 215 practice exercises, we're on a mission to help you learn what you want, when you want, at your own pace.

Math Meet High Scorers

Congratulations to the Middle School Math Meet High Scorers for TCA Lauren Floyd and Connor Floyd! We are proud of you! Thank you Mr. Bridgeman, math team sponsor.

Upcoming Events at TCA

October 24th - 28th:Monday - Fall Festival - 6-8 pm
Tuesday - Music/Theater Class to Anderson University
Wednesday - Kindergarten classes to the Pumpkin Patch in Sardinia, SC
Thursday - 5th and 6th grades field trip
Friday - K3,K4, and K5 visit classrooms for goodies, 1st grade and their pen pals meet for lunch, Football final game at Holly Hill, SC 7:30 pm
Monday 31st - School Assembly "Make a Difference" - 12:35 pm. Dress appropriately.
November: 1st Quarter AR party with a Hayride- all students earning enough points to attend.
1st --Sophomores take PLAN test 8:00 - 11:15, Teens and Cyber Communication seminar at RE Lee Academy 7:00 pm
2nd - Faculty meeting - 2:30
3rd - CAR raffle at the LC Country Club -7:30 pm
4th - State Teachers' Meeting - No School for students
5th - National SAT test date
11th - Veterans' Day Program - 8:45 am in the gym. The public is invited to attend.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Bobcats Defeat Charleston Collegiate On Senior Night

In an exciting comeback victory, the bobcats defeated Charleston Collegiate School by a score of 50-35. The seniors were able to leave the field victorious and celebrate their second win. The bobcats will be in action again on Friday night at Holly Hill Academy. Congratulations to the team and the coaching staff.

Tennis Girls In The Semifinals

Friday, Oct. 21st, was the final match for the bobcat tennis girls as they finished a successful season ranked third in the state. They met a talented Spartanburg Day School team at the Palmetto Tennis Center in Sumter. The 1-5 score was not indicative of the close matches. Number one player, Rebecca Weaver, was the sole singles winner for the bobcats. Coach Jordan was complimentary of the Spartanburg ladies. She was pleased with the bobcats play all year long, especially with their dedication, determination, and attitude on the court. Congratulations for another fine season!

Monday, October 17, 2011

Fall Festival 2011

Monday, October 24th 6:00 - 8:00, will be our annual Fall Festival celebration. A costume contest will be held during the event.This is a fun night for kids of all ages!Each grade will have a booth with games and prizes and there will be jump castles, a giant slide, and lots of yummy carnival food. We sell tickets to use for the booths. A canteen for food, drinks, and delicious desserts will be available. A favorite booth, the senior class cake walk will be on the stage. The festival is sponsored by the Student Council and the proceeds are used for the annual scholarship fund given to a gratuating senior and presented at Senior Night. Come out and support the Student Council.

Homecoming 2011 - 2012

Congratulations to Miss Rebecca Truluck, our Homecoming Queen! She was sponsored by Grayson McClam. She is the daughter of Ren and Mac Truluck.

Our Mock Homecoming Queen was crowned at the Pep Rally on Friday afternoon. Grayson McClam, senior, was selected as the 2011 Mock Homecoming Queen.

The Bobcats defeated the Dillon Christian Warriors 14 - 13 on Friday night.

The students enjoyed a Homecoming Dance to culminate a great Homecoming celebration.