Thursday, February 16, 2012

Students Show Courageous Character

TCA and PTO join together this year to reward students "caught" showing character traits that are admirable and courageous. The following students were recognized in the assembly on Tuesday, Feb. 14th:
December Star Students: Kindergarten -- Austin Tisdale
Lower School -- Elizabeth Askins
Middle School -- Hunter Hanna and Kris Parker
High School ---- Grayson McClam
January Star Students: Kindergarten --- Zyniah McClam
Lower School --- Logan Hanna
Middle School -- Margaret Matthews and Hannah Weaver
High School --- Rebecca Weaver
Congratulations to all of you!
These students will also be recognized at the academic ceremony in May!

Friday, February 3, 2012

I Pods and I Phones for Science

Mrs. Becki Poston, our 6th grades science teacher, got permission for our class to bring our I phones and I pods to class so we could download a free application called Sky View. We are studying the unit on space and we are learning the different star constellations. This app shows planets, stars, the moon, the sun, satellites, and constellations in real time data. You can see the sun and the time the sun is coming up. You can see all the planets and constellations such as Orion, Ursa Major, and Ursa Minor. We saw the Hubble Telescope, the ISS (International Space Station),and the Atlas Centaur 2. This was definitely a way to make learning and science fun! Submitted by Katelyn Coker and Will Matthews, grade 6